North Rose - Wolcott Community Dollars for Scholars

Thank you Volunteers!



We are a community-based all volunteer organization.  Our fund-raising, academic support and scholarship award activities depend on people like you - people who care and want to support our students today - to create a brighter tomorrow for us all.    

We are in need of board members, volunteers to help with our Phone-a-Thon, fund-raising, maintaining our website, public relations...and more.  What's your interest or specialty?  Let us know and we can find a place for you!

Contact Erin Wanek  for more information.


For Current Board Members: Click below to log into the ChapterNet Administrative Area, where you can manage your contacts, scholarships and website. If you have not signed up as a ChapterNet user, please click the Chapter Contact link above to contact a volunteer administrator and get started.

North Rose - Wolcott Community Dollars for Scholars

P.O. Box 173

Wolcott, NY  14590
